In this challenge, we have a raw file, and hints. So let check it in volatility.

Screenshot from 2016-12-11 06-03-11.png

It’s WinXP, and in the description we have to find the webstite in scvhost, let’s try to check it.

Screenshot from 2016-12-11 06-07-21.png

I really did’t know what I have to do, until hint 2 have been show. We all know host file is the file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and I got:

Screenshot from 2016-12-11 06-09-24.png

Let extract and see what it have:

Screenshot from 2016-12-11 06-43-57.png

Screenshot from 2016-12-11 06-14-23.png

So the web we need to find is crattack.tistory.com, but it’s failed, I have to find deeper.

Seriously, I didn’t what to do and luckyly I remember the strings command line:

Screenshot from 2016-12-11 06-51-34.png


I attend to the website http://crattack.tistory.com/entry/Data-Science-import-pandas-as-pd because it appear too many times and before it have word visited so I’m very sure it’s the website we need to find. It’s have a IP:, remember file host? Let’s change a little bit.


FLAG is: SECCON{_h3110_w3_h4ve_fun_w4rg4m3_}

[Junior CTF 2016] FORENSIC 400p Dirty repo

In this challenge, we have a .tar.gz file. When I extract it, we have  20 .tar.gz files. I used binwally.py to find the differences.

Firstly, I check differences between comp_1 and comp_2



comp_1 comp_3 and comp_1 comp_4 have same result. But comp_1 and comp_5 have a difference


Let’s check it out


So the diffences is in forward.c I checked it and got the flag:


FLAG is: gRunCle_StAn_tHe_woRsT_coDeR